Saturday, 27 July 2024

What is a roof door? The importance of the Door to the Roof.

What is a roof door? The importance of the Door to the Roof.
Nowadays, the concept of roof access and roof access is mentioned more often in the process of finishing works or buildings. Due to the new trend of high requirements on architectural aesthetics and functions that the roof door brings, the roof door has been invested more in shape and technical details.
Replacing the roof doors that people make themselves with rickety, unprofessional corrugated iron, E-Power's roof access door (also known as roof cover) is a perfect choice for the roof of a villa or building. houses, other public and civil works.
So what is a door to the roof? How important is the door to the roof? Let's answer this question with E-Power.
1. What is a roof door?
The roof door is literally the door leading to the roof used to get in and out of the roof. E-Power's roof doors usually consist of two large sections and a bracket and cover. The bracket is the part that mounts directly to the roof structure, with flashing included to prevent leakage. The lid is the closing part of the holder.
The difference of the E-Power roof door is the insulation layer so that no heat is lost through the door when closed, creating favorable conditions for using the space just below the installation position of the roof door. Depending on the specific requirements of each type of construction, the investor can change the insulation materials to get the door with the desired insulation index. The roof door provided by E-Power also meets special designs such as oversized (large size), combined with light roof (glass lid), combined with smoke and fireproof door of the company. building …

2. The importance of the door to the roof
If in the old architecture, the door to the roof only played the role of exiting the building, but today, modern design always integrates many functions on the roof such as solar battery, blower, system. system of other the roof door is considered a solution to cleaning, maintaining and increasing the life of the roof and roof accessories.
Roof doors are also becoming more and more popular in the fire protection work of high-rise buildings or villas, adjacent to the situation of fire safety in residential areas is becoming a hotter topic than ever. time out.

3. How much does the roof door cost? Where to buy reputable?
Not many domestic manufacturers have the capacity to supply and install roof doors in accordance with European standards completely, E-Power is the genuine distributor of two famous brands of doors. The roof is Acudor (imported from the US) and Eurodor (made in the country) which are provided with full product certifications.
Towards the goal of safety, quality is the top criterion, domestically manufactured doors (size suitable for Asians) have prices ranging from 10-20 million / 1 door depending on the type of material. materials, heat-resistant layers, dimensions... In that case, the price of imported doors is many times higher - about nearly 100 million for a standard roof door made in the US.
If you want to learn about the roof cover, please contact 0964 284 422 for the most dedicated advice.