Saturday, 27 July 2024

Door to the roof – The finishing touch of modern buildings.

Nowadays, the roof door is more and more popular, the demand for the operation on the roof after completion is increasing. The door to the roof, also known as the roof access cover, is considered a highlight in the finishing process of modern buildings, allowing maintenance workers to easily access the roof area without having to worry about safety risks such as when using ladders on walls outside the building.


Door to the roof for auxiliary maintenance and repair activities on the roof

The roof door is designed according to European standards for sound insulation, heat insulation, fire resistance, suitable for all types of roofs (concrete roofs, corrugated iron roofs, aluminum roofs) with different shapes.
Currently popular in Vietnam is the type of door to the roof installed at the top floor of the building, users access by a fixed ladder installed from the nearest plane position. This is also a standard door with a symmetrical lid design for easy operation. The sealing system is completely heat-insulating and weather-resistant, so users do not need to worry about water leaking into the interior if the weather is not favorable.


The standard roof door must fully meet the criteria of soundproofing, fireproofing, anti-leakage, and safety

Advantages of standard roof visit cover:
- Ladders inside the house are fastened to the wall, helping users to access safely
- The door is designed with a compression spring controller (hydraulic arm) to allow smooth one-handed user
- The roof doors are made entirely of aluminum, which is resistant to fire, and generally has a lifespan of more than 20 years with normal use.
- Internal locking doors completely control those who intend to access the roof
For all roof door components, it is only necessary to regularly lubricate all hinges, latches and the bottom of the hydraulic rod to easily maintain the opening of the door.

As a pioneer in supplying and installing European standard roof doors in Vietnam, E-Power is currently the genuine distributor of two brands EuroDor (Vietnam) and Acudor (USA). Customers who need product advice, please contact hotline 0964 284 422 for the most specific advice