Sunday, 08 September 2024

Poly Rodeca heat-resistant plastic roofing sheets - Top 1 material for roofing, awnings, and skylights

Rodeca poly heat-resistant plastic roofing sheet is one of the roofing materials for awnings, awnings, and skylights in decorative construction items for townhouses, shops, companies, shops, garages. Roofing sheets Poly Rodeca has a very high thermal insulation ability, is very effective against heat and brings a cool space, getting natural light to help save lighting costs.
1. Introducing Poly Rodeca heat-resistant roofing sheets for roofs

Poly Rodeca heat-resistant plastic roofing sheet is one of the products imported from the Federal Republic of Germany and widely used in housing construction today, especially in tropical climates because it helps reduce heat loss. temperature inside the house, thereby helping to save energy on air conditioning and reduce investment costs in cooling systems.

Polycarbonate plastic is made from polymer fibers and is tightly bonded by carbon groups. Therefore, it is very easy to manipulate and heat bend. Poly Rodeca heat-resistant roofing sheets are made of many layers so they have very good heat resistance and insulation and UV protection


Working mechanism of Poly Rodeca heat-resistant plastic roofing sheets
When sunlight shines on the surface of Poly Rodeca heat-resistant roofing panels, the outer polymer layer will reflect about 80-90% of heat radiation, preventing sunlight from penetrating inside the house. The remaining heat radiation will be absorbed by the inner polymer layer and converted into heat.
However, due to the large thickness of this poly layer, the temperature inside the house will not increase too much. At the same time, the inner polymer layer also has an insulating effect, helping to keep the house warm at night. Thanks to this working mechanism, Poly heat-resistant roofing sheets help limit heat exchange between inside and outside the house, thereby helping to reduce the temperature inside the house.
2. Advantages of Poly Rodeca heat-resistant plastic roofing sheets
- The biggest advantage of Poly heat-resistant roofing sheets is to prevent heat, shade from the sun and provide a cool space when used. According to studies, using heat-resistant Poly roofing sheets can help save up to 30% of air conditioning energy for homes. Besides, the product also has other advantages such as:
- Good heat and UV resistance, durable over time.
- Poly heat-resistant roofing sheets have a lifespan of about 25-30 years.
- Has good heat and sound insulation.
- Reasonable price, simple installation, low maintenance.
- Available in a variety of colors and designs, suitable for many housing architectures.
- Environmentally safe, does not contain toxic substances.
- Has good bearing capacity, can be installed on many different types of roofs.
- Waterproof, anti-yellowing, anti-termite.
3. Popular applications of heat-resistant poly Rodeca plastic roofing sheets
- Applications of poly roofing sheets are used as roofing for heat protection, heat insulation, sound insulation, rain protection and natural light roofing for outdoor projects such as:
- Use poly roofing sheets for awnings and garage covers
- Use poly roofing sheets to make skylight roofs for townhouses
- Use poly roofing sheets to make partitions, signs, and light boxes
- Use poly roofing sheets for terrace roofs and greenhouses