Saturday, 27 July 2024

Safety escape solutions for small building

In big cities, densely populated, where there are small alleys, small streets, the safety status of fire prevention and fighting is always put in a state of alarm.
We will not forget the many tragic accidents in karaoke bars, both closed and built with flammable materials. When an incident occurs, access to rescue is also difficult.
The door to the roof is considered one of the most practical support solutions and has gradually become popular when designing townhouse architecture. According to the old habit of people, the door to the roof is often not respected and is mainly homemade from simple, available, cost-effective materials. Such doors in case of necessity cannot promote their proper function of anti-theft, smoke escape, safe exit when the building has a problem...
Based on researching and researching popular product lines in the European market, simplifying and changing the design to suit the weather conditions, environment & needs of the Vietnamese market, EPOWER company has distributed products to the roof with ISO 9001:2015 certification, construction and installation directly for customers in a short time.

The E-Power's roof hatch on small building roof in Gia Lam - Ha Noi

With a variety of designs, sizes and colors, it is guaranteed to meet all your needs, accompanied by an extremely safe design, ensuring anti-theft, easy opening and closing, and anti-theft. noise, fireproof, soundproof, heat insulation. In addition, the insulation and airtight features are extremely suitable for fire prevention and ensuring a safe exit in the event of a fire, in the context that Karaoke bars are "crying" about safety issues. whole. European standard roof doors will promise to become an indispensable trend in the design of architects. 

The integrated multi-layer design helps the roof door to meet all the needs of projects from houses, villas to national projects such as airports, train stations, with extremely affordable prices depending on the requirements. conditions of each project.
With the advantages that the roof door brings in weather, climate and fire problems being the focus, customers do not hesitate to contact us immediately for product advice by hotline: + 84 964 284 422 or email: